
Happy Lunar New Year!

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Today is Lunar New Year, a festival with great cultural significance in East and Southeast Asia, such as China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. We at ORIEN.ASIA wish you all success, health and prosperity in the Year of the Rat! Kung Hey Fat Choi! Explore events at metrunner app (Android/Web) or our Event Calendar!


Tropical O-Week and WRE in Kuantan, Malaysia

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The second World Ranking Event (WRE) hosted by Malaysia took place in Kuantan last weekend. Orienteers from 10 countries/regions joined one of the largest orienteering events in Southeast Asia. The WRE is part of the Tropical Orienteering Week, a cooperation between the Malaysian Orienteering Federation and ORIEN.ASIA. The O-Week includes eight races over ten days, […]