
All Orienteering World Ranking Events cancelled until end of July

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All Orienteering World Ranking Events (WREs) up to 31 July (inclusive) are cancelled, the International Orienteering Federation announced. Despite signs of recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in some countries, the situation is still uncertain for the preparation and participation of WREs. Therefore, for the sake of fairness,the IOF Council decided to cancel all WREs for […]


Gott kinesiskt nyår!

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Det är månens nyår idag, som har stor kulturell betydelse i Östra och Sydöstra Asien. Nyåret firas i bl.a. Kina, Japan, Korea och Vietnam. Vi på ORIEN.ASIA önskar er all framgång, hälsa och välstånd i Råttans år! Kung Hey Fat Choi! Hitta tävlingar på metrunner-app (Android/Webb) eller vår tävlingskalender!


Happy Lunar New Year!

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Today is Lunar New Year, a festival with great cultural significance in East and Southeast Asia, such as China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. We at ORIEN.ASIA wish you all success, health and prosperity in the Year of the Rat! Kung Hey Fat Choi! Explore events at metrunner app (Android/Web) or our Event Calendar!